
How one encounter can change everything

Start your transformation today!

Course Outcomes

I pray that, through this course...

Your eyesight is transformed.

I pray you begin to see your life through the lens of the biblical and daily implications of the gospel.

Your understanding

of Jesus increases.

I pray your understanding of who Jesus is and who He is to you transforms everything about your life.

The heart of the Father is magnified in your life.

Above all, I pray your life is transformed by the heart of the Father in such a way that others cannot help but see Him when they see you.

The presence of Jesus in our lives plays a pivotal role in our understanding of who we were created to be.

The presence of Jesus changes everything. What if we were willing to receive what He wants to impart to us?

This world offers a lot of labels for us to pick and choose from. I created this course because I was sick and tired of choosing from what the world has to offer - as I'm sure you are too. I pray this course deepens your understanding of who Jesus is and who you were created to be.


Recognize Distractions

Knowing what is distracting us from our relationship with God is paramount to developing an effective strategy in staying focused on the right things. Through the life of Zacchaeus, we see that when we disengage from what has not been working for us, we are more easily able to  partner with God in the plan He has for our lives.


Reposition to Receive

When we draw near to God, He draws near to us - it's as simple as that! Knowing when it's time to reposition ourselves helps us to more fully receive all that the Father has to give us. Repositioning requires a humble and teachable spirit - something we see in action through Zacchaeus' encounter with Christ.

Realize Purpose

So often, we struggle to find direction and purpose for our lives. We aren't sure if we have what it takes or if we even have anything worth offering for the Kingdom of God. But through the encounter Zacchaeus had with Jesus, we find some pretty amazing clues on how to dial in on our purpose and walk out our God-given calling. 


Renewal Through His Presence

In order to know who we are, we must know Who's we are. In order for that to carry any value, we must intimately know who God is. And to know who God is, we must spend time in His presence. Getting to know the heart of the Father through spending time with Him doesn't just heal our own heart, it also inspires, strengthens, and renews, and equips us.


Take the Course Today!

5 Teachings to Help You Connect with God Through His Word

I'm Ready to Start My Transformational Journey!


Hannah teaches in a way that makes the Bible relatable to every day life! It's been such a gift to understand the Bible in this way through her teachings.


I don't usually love Bible teachings. But there's something about the way Hannah teaches that brings the Bible to life in a powerful way! I can't help but listen!


Hannah is the real deal. It's so inspiring to hear what she has to say - you can tell she lives what she teaches and it inspires me to live out what I believe.

This course is for you if:

  • You are sick and tired of feeling insecure
  • You want to learn what God has to say about you
  • You want to walk in deeper discernment
  • You want to have a closer relationship with God
  • You want to take practical steps to grow in your faith
  • You want to find your purpose and walk it out

Join believers just like you who are being transformed by their relationship with God!

I'm Ready to Encounter Jesus